The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit September 8, 2014 Amnesty: Both Sides Committing War Crimes in Ukraine; Imagery Proves Russia Role --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unveiling a new report, Amnesty International's Salil Shetty accused both sides of war crimes, and said satellite imagery proves Russian military involvement in Ukraine. Salil Shetty: "Russia can't deny being a party to the conflict anymore. Very systematic, well-organized mobile artillery and armored units in place, there's no way the separatist forces could have organized that themselves. On top of that, we also have eyewitness accounts of movement of Russian tanks across the border. We're getting reports of different types of violations and also indiscriminate shelling which is happening, and all of these need to be investigated, and that's what we're calling on, because in a war situation, in a conflict situation, unless you go into the details, you can't be absolutely certain. But from everything we've seen, we can be quite sure that both sides can be accused of war crimes at this point." The United Nations says more than 3,000 people have died in eastern Ukraine since violence broke out in April, including the 298 passengers killed when a Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down. .