The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit September 1, 2015 Judge Sides with Anti-Choice Group Opposed to Birth Control ------------------------------------------------------------ In the United States, a federal judge has ruled in favor of an anti-choice group that objected to including contraception in employee health plans, handing down what the website Think Progress called "the wackiest anti-birth control court decision to date." Judge Richard Leon's ruling goes far beyond the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case, which allowed most private companies to refuse to provide birth control coverage to employees if they claim religious objections. The anti-choice group March for Life filed suit last year, saying they objected to the birth control mandate on secular, not religious, grounds. The Obama administration is likely to appeal the judge's decision to side with the group. .