The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit September 10, 2015 Clinton Backs Iran Deal as Trump & Cruz Protest It --------------------------------------------------- In the United States, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has endorsed the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran. In an address Wednesday, Clinton also vowed she would "not hesitate to take military action" if Iran moved toward developing a nuclear weapon. Meanwhile, Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz rallied against the Iran nuclear deal. While the deal is aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear activities, Cruz invoked the threat of Iran developing a nuclear bomb. Sen. Ted Cruz: "If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, the single greatest risk is they would take that nuclear weapon, they would put it on a ship anywhere in the Atlantic, and they would fire it up straight into the air into the atmosphere. They would set off what's called an EMP, and electromagnetic pulse. It would take down the electrical grid on the entire Eastern Seaboard and kill tens of millions of Americans." The Iran nuclear deal has enough Democratic support to block Republican attempts to undo it in Congress. .