The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit September 21, 2015 Greece: Tsipras to Form New Gov't After Syriza Wins Snap Election ------------------------------------------------------------------ In Greece, the left-leaning Syriza party has won snap elections, bringing Alexis Tsipras back to the role of prime minister a month after he resigned. Tsipras had stepped down amid a revolt within his own Syriza party after he reversed course on austerity and accepted the harsh terms of an international bailout. Syriza won 35 percent of the vote versus 28 percent for the conservative New Democracy Party, giving Syriza 145 seats in the 300-member Parliament. Tsipras said he felt "vindicated" by the win. Alexis Tsipras: "We gave a tough and difficult battle, and I feel vindicated today because the Greek people gave us a clear mandate to continue fighting inside and outside the country and boost our people's pride." .