The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit September 24, 2015 Daughter of Undocumented Parents Delivers Letter to Pope Francis ----------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, a video of a little girl delivering a letter to Pope Francis during his papal procession down Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C., has gone viral. Five-year-old Sophie Cruz is a U.S.-born citizen whose parents are undocumented immigrants from Mexico. She slipped past the barricades Wednesday and delivered a written plea to the pope asking him to help keep her family together. She later read the letter to The Guardian. Sophie Cruz: "I am an American citizen with Mexican roots. I live in Los Angeles, California, in the heart of agriculture. My parents are immigrants from Oaxaca, Mexico. Pope Francis, I want to tell you that my heart is sad, and I would like to ask you to speak with the president and the Congress in legalizing my parents, because every day I am scared that one day they will take them away from me." We'll have more on Pope Francis' historic six-day visit after headlines with the granddaughter of Catholic Worker founder Dorothy Day and Maryknoll publisher Robert Ellsberg. .