The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit September 9, 2015 4 More Democratic Senators' Support Seal Iran Nuclear Deal's Future -------------------------------------------------------------------- In the United States, Congress returned from summer recess Tuesday with the historic nuclear deal with Iran topping the agenda. Four more Democratic senators announced their support for the deal Tuesday, cementing the deal's future. The addition of Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Gary Peters of Michigan and Ron Wyden of Oregon brings the total number of supporters in the Senate to 42. The new total appears to ensure President Obama will not need to veto any Republican attempt to undermine the nuclear deal, since Republicans now lack the 60 votes needed to overcome a Democratic filibuster of a resolution against the nuclear deal. Meanwhile, former Vice President Dick Cheney has emerged as a leading critic of the Iran deal, telling an audience at the right-wing American Enterprise Institute the agreement would "give Iran the means to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S. homeland." Cheney was interrupted by Michaela Anang, a peace protester with Code Pink, who called Cheney a "war criminal" and held a banner which read, "Wrong in Iraq, Wrong in Iran." Dick Cheney: "The Iranians get the better of us in these negotiations — " Michaela Anang: "Dick Cheney is a war criminal! Why should we be listening to him? He was wrong in Iraq, he's wrong in Iran." .