The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit May 30, 2019 Mueller's Public Remarks Stoke Calls for Trump's Impeachment ------------------------------------------------------------ Mueller's public remarks prompted fresh calls for impeachment proceedings against the president. This is House Judiciary Chair Jerrold Nadler. Rep. Jerrold Nadler: "With respect to the impeachment question, at this point all options are on the table, and nothing should be ruled out." Eight Democrats vying for the 2020 presidential nomination are now calling for the House to open impeachment proceedings. Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand and Pete Buttigieg joined the call for the first time on Wednesday. They join Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, Congressmember Seth Moulton, former Congressmember Beto O'Rourke and former HUD Secretary Julián Castro. Meanwhile, Senator Bernie Sanders said Wednesday he would support the House Judiciary Committee if it opens impeachment proceedings. .