The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit January 3, 2020 Amazon Threatens to Fire Workers over Environmental Activism ------------------------------------------------------------ Amazon has threatened to fire workers who speak out about the online retail giant's environmental policies. Leaders of the group Amazon Employees for Climate Justice say they've received letters reprimanding them for speaking to the media without the permission of Amazon's corporate offices. Last September, thousands of Amazon workers joined a youth-led global strike for the climate, with some of them speaking out publicly on social media. Allyson: "I'm walking out." Rebecca: "I'm walking out." Sohrab: "I'm walking out." Rob: "To show solidarity with the youth leaders who have started the Fridays for the Future movement." Danilo: "Because global warming is the biggest issue we're facing today." Yoshi: "Because global climate change affects everybody, but it is going to affect the most vulnerable of society first." Kat: "Because it's important that I show my son a model for what it looks like to fight for justice." Sarah: "Because it's the right thing to do." Bob: "Because Amazon does not demonstrate the same leadership on climate change that I'm expected to demonstrate every day on the job." .