Reprinted from TidBITS#850/09-Oct-06 with permission. Copyright (C) 2006, TidBITS. All rights reserved. Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/09-Oct-06 ------------------------------------ by TidBITS Staff article link: **Apple Updates iPods, Introduces Movies, Previews iTV** -- Installing iTunes 7 on an older machine causes jerky video playback. What can be done to improve the quality? (3 messages) **Using MySQL on a Mac** -- Following last week's article on MySQL, TidBITS readers call out SQL utilities and resources, and ask about moving from FileMaker development. (8 messages) **Aperture 1.5 Faces Latest Lightroom Beta at Photokina** -- Sal Soghoian, AppleScript and Automator guru, points out that the latest version of Aperture includes significant updates to Automator and AppleScript support. (1 message) **StuffIt Goes to 11** -- Readers discuss the usefulness of the StuffIt formats on the Mac, in light of built-in .zip archiving, including security and compatibility issues. (16 messages) **File Mappings Revert with Every OS Update** -- Mac OS X 10.4.8 causes custom file mappings to change on some people's computers, which isn't a big deal but can be highly annoying. (6 messages) **Pathetic Nostalgia for Old Chips** -- Do old memory SIMMs and DIMMs have any use (beyond the obvious artistic applications, of course)? (2 messages) $$ This is TidBITS, a free weekly technology newsletter providing timely news, insightful analysis, and in-depth reviews to the Macintosh and Internet communities. Feel free to forward to friends; better still, please ask them to subscribe! Non-profit, non-commercial publications and Web sites may reprint or link to articles if full credit is given. Others please contact us. We do not guarantee accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. TidBITS ISSN 1090-7017. Copyright 2006 TidBITS: Reuse governed by Creative Commons license. Contact us at: TidBITS Web site: License terms: Full text search: Subscriptions: Account help: .