Reprinted from TidBITS#848/25-Sep-06 with permission. Copyright (C) 2006, TidBITS. All rights reserved. The Future Beyond Tomorrow, Courtesy of Adobe --------------------------------------------- by Glenn Fleishman article link: Adobe wrote in to tell us that my article about GoLive CS2 being dropped from the the forthcoming Adobe Creative Suite 2.3 bundle and replaced with Dreamweaver 8 was incorrect. Sort of. The press release for the announcement noted, "Future versions of Adobe Creative Suite will integrate Dreamweaver as a replacement for Adobe GoLive. Adobe will continue to develop GoLive as a standalone product." However, the future, according to the email I received, isn't just any time after the present point. Rather, the future is the time _beyond_ the release of Creative Suite 2.3 later this year. Dreamweaver will be bundled with, but not integrated into, the 2.3 version of the suite. Some other future release - we're talking about the future beyond the future now, most likely Creative Suite 3.0 next year - will integrate Dreamweaver into the suite, after which GoLive will become a standalone product. Perhaps Adobe PR should have a group viewing of "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension," in which they can peruse the motto of Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems, "Where the future begins tomorrow." Bonus points for anyone who can figure out the other Buckaroo Banzai reference in this issue. .