Reprinted from TidBITS#936/14-Jul-08 with permission. Copyright (C) 2008, TidBITS. All rights reserved. Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-Jul-08 ------------------------------------ by Jeff Carlson article link: **iMac failing to startup into OS 10.3.9?** -- An unfortunate encounter with Norton System Works leads to an old iMac being unable to boot into Mac OS X. (2 messages) **Discovering Sparse Bundle Disk Images** -- Readers discuss whether virtualization software such as Parallels and VMware Fusion use sparse bundle disk images. (5 messages) **Corrupted Printer setup utility** -- Mac OS X Leopard moved printing tasks into the Print & Fax preference pane, and in the process discarded the old Printer Setup Utility. (5 messages) **Cutting off bad Wi-Fi connection** -- How do you make a Mac stop automatically connecting to a wireless network? (2 messages) **The Hole in My Backup Plan** -- Readers relate to Joe Kissell's experience of losing the use of his main Mac, including purchasing two similarly configured machines and renting a replacement. (25 messages) **iTunes Store technical details** -- Does Apple store and serve the iTunes Store from its own hardware? It doesn't appear to. (2 messages) **Third-party batteries for older laptops** -- When a laptop's original battery reaches the end of its life, should you buy a replacement from Apple or try one from a third party? When dealing with older portables, you may not have a choice. (2 messages) **How to revive a "broken" hard disk?** After replacing a hard disk, a reader gets suggestions for erasing it for use elsewhere when trouble arises. (7 messages) **Mac OS X 10.5.4 Issue** -- Following a system update, a reader's files and folders become invisible. The solution? Changing the screen resolution. (2 messages) **Current iPhones Keep Cheaper Plan on Reactivation** -- Readers ponder the best methods of upgrading to the iPhone 3G. (8 messages) **New Mac threats?** What started as an article that mirrors a press release about Mac malware turns into a discussion of how important terminology can be when defining security threats. (48 messages) **Precipitate shines Mac Spotlight into Google** -- Readers talk about Adam's article about this utility for making Spotlight search Google services. (5 messages) **802.11g-n mixed network question** -- Will having wireless routers of different speeds slow down an entire network, or can they all just get along? (4 messages) **Gaming the system?** Is it ethical to buy a computer with the express purpose of using it and then taking it back within the return policy? Readers debate. (15 messages) **Extend iTunes Movie Rentals Beyond 24 Hours** -- Attempting to play a paused iTunes rental beyond its expiration time led to a gray screen. Is this a bug or a policy change from Apple? (2 messages) **Apple Stores Ready for 3G Onslaught** -- Apple and AT&T seem to expect that most people will transfer existing cellular phone numbers to the new iPhone service. (3 messages) **Send SMS for Free via AIM on iPhone** -- You can use AIM on the iPhone to send a text message for free, but how does it appear to the recipient, and can they reply in kind? (2 messages) **MobileMe Fails to Launch Well, But Finally Launches** -- Readers discuss Apple's stumbling start of the MobileMe service. (2 messages) **Buying an iPhone 3G** -- A reader shares his impressions of the iPhone 3G, leading to a discussion of price and how AT&T is subsidizing the cost of each phone. (2 messages) $$ This is TidBITS, a free weekly technology newsletter providing timely news, insightful analysis, and in-depth reviews to the Macintosh and Internet communities. Feel free to forward to friends; better still, please ask them to subscribe! Non-profit, non-commercial publications and Web sites may reprint or link to articles if full credit is given. Others please contact us. We do not guarantee accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. TidBITS ISSN 1090-7017. Copyright 2008 TidBITS: Reuse governed by Creative Commons license. Contact us at: TidBITS Web site: License terms: Full text search: Subscriptions: Account help: .