Reprinted from TidBITS#937/21-Jul-08 with permission. Copyright (C) 2008, TidBITS. All rights reserved. TidBITS#937/21-Jul-08 ===================== Issue link: As everyone takes a breather after last week's iPhone 3G launch coverage, we dip back into a wide variety of topics, including Apple's public apology for messing up the MobileMe launch and a look at how Apple's market share is increasing. Glenn Fleishman also looks at Microsoft's backtracking on the MSN Music debacle, the new GoBoingo application for the Mac, Nokia's buyout of the Symbian mobile phone operating system, and how a few hundred thousand dollars can buy you a new top-level domain. Adam looks at Precipitate, which brings Spotlight searching to Google Docs files, and Rick Fay evaluates hands-free options for the iPhone. In the TidBITS Watchlist, we look at the iPod touch 1.1.5 update, the HP Printer Driver 1.1, and three updates from Rogue Amoeba: Airfoil 3.2.1, Audio Hijack Pro 2.8.2, and Nicecast 1.9.3. Articles Apple Gains Larger Slice of Computer Sales MobileMea Culpa: Apple Apologizes and Explains Tiger Situation MSN Music Doesn't Kill Future Playability of Purchased Tracks Go, Go, Boingo Gadget Hotspot Application! Precipitate Shines Mac Spotlight into Google's Cloud Vanity Spreads to Top-Level Domain Names Hands-Free iPhone Options for the Car Symbian Smartphone Platform Goes Free, Partly Open Source TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 21-Jul-08 Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/21-Jul-08 ------------ This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by: -------------- * READERS LIKE YOU! Support TidBITS with a contribution today! Special thanks this week to Michael O'Connell, Hugh Marsh, Geoffrey Meissner, and Richard Healey for their generous support! * Fetch Softworks: Fetch 5.3 has a new look for Leopard, and new support for Leopard technologies. And you can upload with the oldest technology of all, Copy and Paste! Download your free trial version! * WebCrossing Neighbors Creates Private Social Networks Create a complete social network with your company or group's own look. Scalable, extensible and extremely customizable. Take a guided tour today * MARK/SPACE, INC: Take it with you! The Missing Sync makes it easy to synchronize contacts, calendars, notes, photos and more from your Mac to your BlackBerry, Palm OS, or Windows Mobile phone. * VMware Fusion. The most seamless way to run Windows on your Mac. Backed by nearly a decade of proven virtualization technology. Try VMware Fusion today for free, or order online for only $79. Visit: * Microsoft's MacBU: Supporting Mac users with Office 2008. Is your Office up-to-date? Make sure you're running the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Entourage by choosing Check for Updates from the Help menu of any Office application! ---------- Help support TidBITS by supporting our sponsors ------------ .