Reprinted from TidBITS#918/10-Mar-08 with permission. Copyright (C) 2008, TidBITS. All rights reserved. Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/10-Mar-08 ------------------------------------ by Jeff Carlson article link: **Powerbook G4 "Fan" Club** -- The fan on a reader's PowerBook won't let up; will restoring the laptop's firmware to its factory settings fix the problem? (2 messages) **Any dotMac offer in France?** Renewing a .Mac account for less than Apple's fee (which can be done by purchasing a boxed license from Amazon and other outlets) is not limited to U.S. customers. (3 messages) **Document Scanning Software** -- What solutions are available to archive a lot of paper documentation digitally? Is PDF a safe bet for making searchable copies? (30 messages) **Replacement For MS Publisher** -- Readers reveal software products that can read Microsoft Publisher files and convert them to a workable format on the Mac. (6 messages) **Terminal Application** -- Really, who doesn't need to pass a file from a Mac to an HP handheld calculator over USB? Here's how. (11 messages) **Time Capsule Ships with Support for USB Drive Backups** -- The network backup solution many people are waiting for is just out of range, as Glenn Fleishman discovers that Time Capsule will perform Time Machine backups to an attached USB hard disk. C'mon Apple, enable this feature on regular AirPort Extreme base stations. At the very least, we'll all stop bugging you about it. (1 message) **Open Letter to Steve Jobs: In Support of an iPod reader** -- TidBITS Talk readers respond to Adam's open letter to Apple concerning the development of an electronic book reader. (23 messages) **iCal Plug-in** -- Several public iCal calendars are available that keep track of major and minor holidays. Subscribing to them might help you remember the next one. (4 messages) **Fortune: The Trouble with Steve Jobs** -- Fortune's cover story on Jobs and Apple brings up a question: Does a good CEO need to be a tyrant? (2 messages) **Will the iPhone SDK allow for Bluetooth access to peripherals?** It looks as if some readers' dreams of using a Bluetooth keyboard (or other peripheral) with an iPhone or iPod touch won't be coming true with the iPhone SDK. (4 messages) **What's better than iPhoto?** After encountering problems with iPhoto 6, a reader wonders if another program can do a better job of managing digital photos. (2 messages) $$ This is TidBITS, a free weekly technology newsletter providing timely news, insightful analysis, and in-depth reviews to the Macintosh and Internet communities. Feel free to forward to friends; better still, please ask them to subscribe! Non-profit, non-commercial publications and Web sites may reprint or link to articles if full credit is given. Others please contact us. We do not guarantee accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. TidBITS ISSN 1090-7017. Copyright 2008 TidBITS: Reuse governed by Creative Commons license. Contact us at: TidBITS Web site: License terms: Full text search: Subscriptions: Account help: .