Reprinted from TidBITS#920/24-Mar-08 with permission. Copyright (C) 2008, TidBITS. All rights reserved. Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/24-Mar-08 ------------------------------------ by Jeff Carlson article link: **Adobe Reader Working Reference** -- A TidBITS Talk reader looks for help with Adobe Reader. (2 messages) **G3 iMac problem** -- Resurrecting an older Mac brings up a few problems, including how to repartition the hard drive, making an old AirPort card work on modern wireless networks, and replacing the machine's internal battery. (8 messages) **What I Don't Like About Time Machine** -- Time Machine addresses a problem long ignored: how to make ongoing backups easily. But is the once-per-hour implementation overkill? (11 messages) **Drobo and Time Machine over a network** -- The Drobo hard drive storage device would seem to be an excellent Time Machine backup destination, but a reader is looking for more information on how it performs. (3 messages) **Bluetooth headsets w/ Macs** -- How well do Bluetooth headsets work with desktop Macs? (3 messages) **Safari 3.1 & Firefox 3 trumped by WebKit Nightly?** Apple and Mozilla have upgraded their Web browsers, and of course each claim dramatic performance gains. But is something slowing them down? And what about standards support? (19 messages) **AppleWorks Replacement** -- Apple may have long ago abandoned AppleWorks, but the software still gets plenty of use. As a reader faces the future, what software can replace the stalwart, and how can he maintain the capability to open old AppleWorks files? (37 messages) **Should Mac Users Run Antivirus Software?** Readers point out that other browsers besides Firefox offer script blocking capabilities and respond to Rich Mogull's article on antivirus software. (2 messages) **MacBook Air Causes Black Eye** -- PBS talk show host Charlie Rose took a spill with his MacBook Air, leading some to wonder why he chose to protect his computer instead of his face - and realizing that we do that with other possessions, too. (4 messages) **Finder file mapping** -- The Finder doesn't always seem to be consistent when assigning applications to file types. (15 messages) **Google, Firefox & MacBook Pro** -- Odd cookie-assigning behavior in Firefox seems to be the fault of Google, not the browser. (2 messages) **Goose Your Network to Gigabit Ethernet** -- Adam's article on upgrading his Ethernet network leads to talk of cabling (and prices) and preparing for future networking. (10 messages) $$ This is TidBITS, a free weekly technology newsletter providing timely news, insightful analysis, and in-depth reviews to the Macintosh and Internet communities. Feel free to forward to friends; better still, please ask them to subscribe! Non-profit, non-commercial publications and Web sites may reprint or link to articles if full credit is given. Others please contact us. We do not guarantee accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. TidBITS ISSN 1090-7017. Copyright 2008 TidBITS: Reuse governed by Creative Commons license. Contact us at: TidBITS Web site: License terms: Full text search: Subscriptions: Account help: .