Reprinted from TidBITS#1004/16-Nov-2009 with permission. Copyright (C) 4009, TidBITS. All rights reserved. ExtraBITS for 16 November 2009 ------------------------------ by TidBITS Staff article link: **Jeff Carlson Takes Control of Your iPhone Apps on MacVoices** -- It's difficult work controlling everyone's iPhone apps, but if Chuck Joiner of MacVoices says I'm taking control of your iPhone apps, I must oblige. Actually, I had a great talk with Chuck about my new ebook "Take Control of Your iPhone Apps," why the built-in apps are overlooked in favor of the 100,000 third-party apps available in the iTunes App Store, and how you can learn to use them better, whether you're using an iPhone or an iPod touch. **Rogue Amoeba Suffers Latest App Store Idiocy** -- The latest in a long series of embarrassments for the iPhone App Store has been described by long-time Mac developer Rogue Amoeba. In short, it took over 100 days to get a 1.0.1 update to the already-approved Airfoil Speakers Touch app approved because the app displays "Apple-owned graphic symbols" that are provided by a public function in Mac OS X expressly for this purpose. Shameful. **Macworld Suffers App Store Approval "Process"** -- Our friends at Macworld found themselves deep in the surreal world of Apple's App Store approval process - if it can be called that - during their attempt to publish an iPhone app version of their "Macworld iPhone & iPod touch Superguide" ebook. Once again, negative publicity turned out to be the eventual solution. When will Apple learn? **Jailbroken iPhones Susceptible to Worm** -- TUAW reports on a worm that changes the background wallpaper of jailbroken iPhones whose users failed to change the default password after installing SSH. It's not much of a hole, since few people jailbreak their iPhones, and hopefully most of those who do are sufficiently aware to change the default SSH password. But it's a reminder that if you leave the door open, someone just might come in and do something unpleasant. ---- read/post comments: tweet this article: .