Reprinted from TidBITS#1004/16-Nov-2009 with permission. Copyright (C) 4009, TidBITS. All rights reserved. Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 16 November 2009 ----------------------------------------------- by Jeff Carlson article link: This week's TidBITS Talk discussions cover several new topics. On the troubleshooting front, readers diagnose why Microsoft AutoUpdate is repeatedly pushing a conversion utility, why Magic Mouse tracking isn't as good when connected to a Mac Pro, and whether something is wrong with an iMac's FireWire bus. Suggestions are also offered for building a Mac help desk for a school, previewing photos on a virtual wall, and obtaining early versions of the Mac OS. We also look at the end of the Apple v. Psystar case and the ongoing costs of using Macs in the office versus Windows PCs. **Open XML File Format Converter for Mac 1.1.3** -- A bug with Microsoft's Mac AutoUpdater application could cause repeated notices of new updates. (5 messages) **Magic Mouse tracking** -- Using the new Magic Mouse with a Mac Pro appears to result in tracking problems, but other Macs aren't affected. (7 messages) **Building a Better IT Help Desk** -- A reader is building a new IT help desk to support 1,000 Macs in a school, and is soliciting suggestions for best practices. (9 messages) **Hanging photos in a virtual room** -- To aid in designing a wall of photos, a reader is looking for software that would allow him to preview the look before implementing it. (3 messages) **Apple v. Psystar - Apple Wins** -- To no one's surprise, Psystar has lost its lawsuit against Apple. Readers discuss how the company stumbled. (4 messages) **SheepShaver** -- After reading Matt Neuburg's article about this application that emulates the Classic Mac OS, a reader realizes he needs system install disks earlier than Mac OS 9.1. (2 messages) **iMac FireWire conundrum** -- Is an EyeTV hogging the resources of an iMac's FireWire bus? (3 messages) **Office Machines** -- Companies often don't consider Macs for their businesses because of the higher initial cost compared to cut-rate Windows PCs, but readers point out numerous other factors that go into a corporate purchasing decision such as buying anti-virus software, paying for service calls, and so on. (7 messages) $$ This is TidBITS, a free weekly technology newsletter providing timely news, insightful analysis, and in-depth reviews to the Macintosh and Internet communities. Feel free to forward to friends; better still, please ask them to subscribe! Non-profit, non-commercial publications and Web sites may reprint or link to articles if full credit is given. Others please contact us. We do not guarantee accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. TidBITS ISSN 1090-7017. Copyright 2009 TidBITS: Reuse governed by Creative Commons license. Contact us at: TidBITS Web site: License terms: Full text search: Subscriptions: Account help: .