Reprinted from TidBITS#1010/18-Jan-2010 with permission. Copyright (C) 2010, TidBITS. All rights reserved. TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 18 January 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------- by TidBITS Staff article link: **Logic Pro 9.1** -- Apple has released the latest version of its flagship audio recording program Logic Pro, jumping from version 9.0.2 to 9.1 - a version increase justified by a long list of fixes and improvements. The main features of this update are added support for working in 64-bit mode and added compatibility with 64-bit Audio Unit plug-ins. Other significant changes include the capability to create file names longer than 32 characters, improved behavior when mapping samples using the EXS editor's Contiguous Zones option, and the resolution of a crashing bug related to adjusting parameters in Sonnox Oxford plug-ins. A full and lengthy list of changes, most of them minor tweaks, is available on Apple's Web site. Running the program in 32-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later; 64-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.6.2 or later. The update is available via Software Update or the Apple Support Downloads page. ($499 new, free update, 191.14 MB) Read/post comments about Logic Pro 9.1. **Main Stage 2.1** -- In concert with its release of Logic Pro 9.1, Apple has released Main Stage 2.1, updating the live performance program that's part of Logic Studio with a long list of improvements. The main changes include added support for 64-bit mode, added compatibility with 64-bit Audio Unit plug-ins, reliable syncing for Multiple Playback plug-ins that are grouped together, increased compatibility with documents created in Main Stage 1.x, and improved recording with the Loopback plug-in. Also, two crashing bugs have been fixed, including one that was triggered by using Command-N to create a new concert when a Save dialog for a previous concert was still open, and another that occurred occasionally when closing or quitting the program. A full list of mostly minor changes is available on Apple's Web Site. Running the program in 32-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later; 64-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.6.2 or later. The update is available via Software Update or the Apple Support Downloads page. ($499 new, free update, 210.91 MB) Read/post comments about Main Stage 2.1. **Radioshift 1.5.2** -- Rogue Amoeba's Radioshift 1.5 snuck out at the very end of 2009, and has subsequently been followed by a pair of bug-fix updates. Major new features in Radioshift 1.5 include support for thousands of previously unsupported streams (including ones previously available only to Web-based players), better error-handling with faulty streams, easier installation of third-party players, an overhauled interface, independence from crashes in external audio playback engines, and auto-wake support for FileVault-protected home folders. Fixes in 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 resolve a problem with live listening of programs from the guide, properly preserve the listening history between launches, and address a number of cosmetic issues. Full release notes are available. ($32 new, free update, 11.2 MB) Read/post comments about Radioshift 1.5.2. **Apple Remote Desktop 3.3.2** -- Apple Remote Desktop has received updates to both the Apple Remote Desktop Client software (enabled in the Sharing pane of System Preferences) and the Apple Remote Desktop Admin application that's used to control and administer remote Macs. Most of the fixes that Apple details in the 3.3.2 updates are fairly minor, addressing incorrect reporting, improving performance when clients are controlled by RealVNC viewers, and dealing better with clients behind NAT gateways. Reliability has also been improved in a variety of situations, such as when copying via drag-and-drop (something that's always been flaky); when authenticating new client computers; and when controlling systems with dual graphics processors, dual displays, or that are using certain resolutions. ($299 new, free update, 4.21 MB client/51.41 MB admin) Read/post comments about Apple Remote Desktop 3.3.2. **Typinator 3.7** -- The latest version of Ergonis Software's auto-typing and auto-correcting utility Typinator includes several interface changes sure to speed up your workflow. Chief among these is the capability to set keyboard shortcuts for pausing and resuming Typinator's text expansion activity, a faster method to access text snippets, and overall enhanced performance speed. Also, version 3.7 includes a streamlined installation process, a new Check for Updates function, and a reorganized Preferences window. A slew of minor issues have been addressed, ensuring better compatibility with Snow Leopard, Mail, Safari, Google Chrome, SubEthaEdit, and Eudora. A full list of changes can be found on Ergonis's Web site. (€19.99 new, free update for purchases within 2 years, 3 MB) Read/post comments about Typinator 3.7. .