Reprinted from TidBITS by permission; reuse governed by Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND 3.0. TidBITS has offered years of thoughtful commentary on Apple and Internet topics. For free email subscriptions and access to the entire TidBITS archive, visit Slack to Stop Storing Historical Content for Free Workspaces Adam Engst In its Help Center, [1]Slack writes: We will be reducing our data storage offering for the free version of Slack; starting August 26, 2024, we'll begin deleting messages and files more than one year old from free workspaces on a rolling basis. Several years ago, Slack changed the terms for its free plans to provide access to the last 90 days of messages and files rather than limiting to 10,000 messages and 5 GB of files (see '[2]Examining Slack's New Free Plan Restrictions and Motivations,' 27 July 2022). That annoyed the admins of some free teams, though I've seldom found searching in Slack helpful. Slack is changing the carrot/stick balance for free workspaces yet again. In the past, if you switched from a free to a paid plan, all your old messages and files suddenly reappeared. Now, if you upgrade after 26 August 2024, only those items from the last year will return'everything older will have been deleted. Nothing changes if you have no desire to upgrade and don't care about older data. From Slack's perspective, this policy update will reduce its data storage needs and may trigger some upgrades in the next two months. I doubt most free existing teams were dragging their heels on upgrading because they knew they could always recover all their old content. But perhaps it will increase the incentive for new free teams to upgrade. [3]Read original article References 1. 2. 3. .