Reprinted from TidBITS by permission; reuse governed by Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND 3.0. TidBITS has offered years of thoughtful commentary on Apple and Internet topics. For free email subscriptions and access to the entire TidBITS archive, visit EagleFiler 1.9.14 Agen Schmitz Michael Tsai of C-Command Software has issued [1]EagleFiler 1.9.14, working around a bug in Safari 17.4 that caused the capture key to fail. The document organization and archiving app also resolves an issue where importing from Evernote could fail if the ENEX file contained a note with an invalid SVG file, fixes a bug that prevented the New Record > From Clipboard command from importing a pasted file, addresses an issue where some files imported from Evernote could have truncated names or tags, and fixes a bug that caused importing from Evernote to fail if a note had multiple attachments with very long and similar filenames. ($49.99 new with a 20% discount for [2]TidBITS members from C-Command Software or the [3]Mac App Store, free update, 34.5 MB, [4]release notes, macOS 10.13+) References 1. 2. 3. 4. .