Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Election Results to Determine Fate of Comoros Islands President, Mayor Says The chairman of the mayorâs association of Grande Comoros said results from the second round of parliamentary elections are scheduled to be released Monday. Peter Clottey | Washington, DC 20 December 2009 The chairman of the mayor's association of Grande Comoros said results from the second round of parliamentary elections are scheduled to be released Monday. Mohammed Mchangama said President Ahmed Abdalla Sambi will soon know whether the new parliament will endorse or reject the recent referendum which extended his term limit. "It is more important to know whether the next union parliament and the district assemblies of the island what kind of majority if there would be enough majority maybe to change to give President Sambi to allow him to continue. As he himself interpret the constitution saying that if he has a majority of two-thirds... that will allow him to continue his mandate and not to go in May 2010," he said. President Sambi, who was originally scheduled to step down next May, won a referendum that extended his mandate by a year. Mchangama said the election was peaceful despite reported tensions. "It has been overall peaceful. I mean there have been some minor incidents in the morning... when the elections started, but it has been very few places. I have been to Ntsoudjini and in the north of Moroni... but there was no instance," Mchangama said. An opposition member warned the country could plunge into chaos if there are indications of vote rigging. Mchangama said the results could determine if the vote was rigged. "It is true that there have been a lot of nervousness in the last days and accusations against the government taking every means to rig the election. So, far there has not been evidence that has been shown to the public. So, people, I think will wait for the results that have to come today...I don't know whether it will destabilize the whole islands altogether but certainly there could be tough consequences," Mchangama said. The coalition headed by President Sambi's party won a majority in the December 6 local government elections. .