Originally published by the Voice of America (www.voanews.com). Voice of America is funded by the US Federal Government and content it exclusively produces is in the public domain. February 21, 2009 Iraq Reopens Abu Ghraib Prison ------------------------------ http://enews.voanews.com/t?ctl=2270C03:A6F02AD83191E160319B78490D23BFF630EB2FA2E66CBB22& Now called Baghdad Central Prison, it is home to about 400 inmates, although officials say it will eventually house up to about 14,000 inmates A cell is seen at a renovated Abu Ghraib prison, now renamed 'Baghdad Central Prison' in Baghdad, Iraq, 21 Feb 2009 Iraqi officials have reopened Abu Ghraib, one of the country's most notorious prisons, after renovating the facility just west of Baghdad and promising more humane treatment of prisoners. Now called the Baghdad Central Prison, it is home to about 400 inmates, although officials say it will eventually house up to about 14,000 inmates. Abu Ghraib first gained notoriety during the regime of Saddam Hussein, when the prison was used as a site for torture and mass executions. It made news again in 2004, when the world learned of abuses committed there by U.S. prison guards. A U.S. Army investigation detailed abuses that led to one death and included alleged rape, sodomy, beatings and what was described as a sadistic "game" in which dog handlers terrorized prisoners. Iraqi officials say the renovated prison has modern facilities that include computer chatrooms. The Iraqi government has said part of the prison complex will be a museum, documenting crimes committed by the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Also Saturday, the U.S. military said an American soldier died while on combat patrol near Baghdad. Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters. .