Originally published by the Voice of America (www.voanews.com). Voice of America is funded by the US Federal Government and content it exclusively produces is in the public domain. February 26, 2009 Fatah, Hamas Agree on Path to Unity Government ---------------------------------------------- http://enews.voanews.com/t?ctl=228B7DC:A6F02AD83191E160671C2F8F000F3AEBD937473925D9872C& Deal signed in Cairo aims to heal divisions and create unity government Fatah's Ahmed Qurei (l) and Hamas' Mussa Abu Marzug speak during their meeting in Cairo, 26 Feb 2009Rival Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, have signed a deal in Cairo aimed at healing their divisions and creating a unity government. Senior Fatah official and former Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei told reporters Thursday both sides believe in the importance of ending their internal fighting and rebuilding the institutions that have been shattered during the rift of the last several years. He said they have set up five committees to handle different issues - including one to work on forming a unity government, and another to focus on rebuilding and reforming the Palestinian security services. The deal comes ahead of a donor conference next week on aid to the Gaza Strip. Some participants say they will not give money to Hamas, which controls the Palestinian territory, as they consider it a terrorist group. Qurei said the committees will start working on ! March 10 and finish with recommendations by the end of March. They will include representatives of Fatah and Hamas, as well as the other 10 Palestinian factions that took part in the Cairo talks. One of the five committees will focus on preparing for presidential and legislation elections, another on reforming the Palestinian Authority, and one more on building national reconciliation. The factions met Thursday with Egyptian mediator and intelligence chief Omar Suleiman. Suleiman urged them to create a unified Palestinian government to oversee the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip and engage in talks with Israel. Suleiman added that unity will help Palestinians reach their national goals rather than be pawns in regional power games. Hamas and Fatah have led competing governments since Hamas members, elected in 2006, seized control of Gaza from Fatah in 2007, confining the moderate party's authority to the West Bank. Meanwhile, U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell met Israeli officials! in Tel Aviv Thursday on his second visit to the country since taking office last month. The Obama administration has promised an aggressive push for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Mitchell arrived in Israel from Turkey, where he called Ankara a crucial U.S. ally and an important force for peace in the Middle East given its close ties with Israel and Arab nations. Mitchell is due to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad of the Fatah party in the West Bank on Friday. He has no plans to meet with Hamas, which Washington considers a terrorist group. Some information for this report was provided by AFP. .