Originally published by the Voice of America (www.voanews.com). Voice of America is funded by the US Federal Government and content it exclusively produces is in the public domain. May 12, 2009 Taliban Suicide Bombers Hit Afghan Town --------------------------------------- http://enews.voanews.com/t?ctl=2430CCF:A6F02AD83191E160812D93057AAF8E6AC030207A0BD70133& Multiple suicide bombers attack government buildings in Khost; 6 dead, including soldiers An Afghan soldier guards a police check post damaged in suicide attack in Khost, 12 May 2009Afghanistan's Interior Ministry said multiple suicide bombers have attacked government buildings in the eastern city of Khost. A local health official said at least six people were killed including at least three soldiers. The attackers struck at the governor's office and the municipal building. Officials also said three would-be suicide bombers were killed in clashes with security forces in Khost. U.S. and Afghan soldiers were searching the city for other militants who may have been involved in the attacks. The Taliban has claimed responsibility, saying it sent 30 attackers, including suicide bombers, to strike the town. A large American military base is located in Khost. Meanwhile, the U.S. military has accused the Taliban of using white phosphorus, which causes chemical burns, in attacks in eastern Afghanistan. The U.S. military on Monday declassified documents showing at least 38! instances in which militants used white phosphorus in attacks, or white phosphorus weapons were found in stockpiles. The NATO-led force in Afghanistan supplied information on six other instances. Afghanistan's independent human rights commission is investigating whether white phosphorus was used in a battle last week between U.S. and Taliban forces in western Farah province, in which a number of civilians were killed. The commission said doctors in the province treated patients who suffered severe burns in the fighting. The U.S. military and the Taliban both deny using white phosphorus munitions in Farah. White phosphorus is a flammable material whose use is considered legitimate under international law for the purposes of illuminating a target or creating a smokescreen in battle. Rights groups say the military use of white phosphorus in populated areas puts civilians at risk of severe chemical burns and may constitute a war crime. White phosphorus, an alternative form of the element (phosphorus), is unstable and combusts spontaneously whe n exposed to air. White phosphorus can cause significant injury and death, which can occur by exposure to soft tissue, through inhalation, and by ingestion. Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters. .