Originally published by the Voice of America (www.voanews.com). Voice of America is funded by the US Federal Government and content it exclusively produces is in the public domain. May 12, 2009 US Defense Secretary Replaces Commander in Afghanistan ------------------------------------------------------ http://enews.voanews.com/t?ctl=2430CD0:A6F02AD83191E160812D93057AAF8E6AC030207A0BD70133& Robert Gates says he wants new ideas from his new generals in Afghanistan; Mc Crystal to replace Mc Kiernan US Army General David Mc Kiernan (R) speaks as Wardak Governor Halin Fidai (far left) and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates listen at Forward Operating Base Airborne in Wardak Province, 08 May 2009U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is replacing the commander of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, General David Mc Kiernan. Secretary Gates told reporters at the Pentagon he has asked for Mc Kiernan's resignation and is recommending Army Lieutenant General Stanley Mc Chrystal to command NATO and U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Gates says the American mission can and must do better in Afghanistan and requires new thinking from military leaders."Today we have a new policy, set by our new president," said Gates. "We have a new strategy, a new mission and a new ambassador. I believe that new military leadership also is needed."General David Mc Kiernan, 19 Apr 2009Gates thanked Mc Kiernan, who arrived in Afghanistan 11 months ago, for what he called a long career of distinguished service. He did not fault Mc Kiernan's actions in Afghanistan. General Mc Chrystal is a former commander of special operations forces and is experienced in leading the kind of counterinsurgency combat Pentagon officials believe is necessary to defeat the Taliban, al-Qaida and other militant groups. Secretary Gates also announced that another senior officer, Lieutenant General David Rodriguez, will be Mc Chrystal's deputy. The new plan by the Obama administration for Afghanistan and Pakistan calls for a military push to reverse deteriorating security, a surge in civilian aid and development assistance, and possible reconciliation between the Kabul government and some members of the Taliban. U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered the deployment of 17,000 more combat troops to Afghanistan and 4,000 U.S. trainers and non-combat soldiers to help Afghanistan with reconstruction. Secretary Gates says he wants new ideas from his new generals in Afghanistan."Well I think that is the challenge that we give to the new leadership," he said. "How do we do better? W hat new ideas do you have? What fresh thinking do you have? Are there different ways of accomplishing our goals? How can we be more effective?"Secretary Gates urged members of the U.S. Senate to confirm General Mc Chrystal as soon as possible. .