Originally published by the Voice of America (www.voanews.com). Voice of America is funded by the US Federal Government and content it exclusively produces is in the public domain. May 7, 2009 Obama to Unveil $17 Billion in Budget Cuts ------------------------------------------ http://enews.voanews.com/t?ctl=241B126:A6F02AD83191E16081A53A549A184D9970AD7039DCD7B7E4& 121 federal programs to be cut or reduced in US president's 'line-by-line' effort to trim budget for next year US President Barack Obama White House officials say the Obama administration is set to unveil a new set of proposed budget cuts totaling about $17 billion. Officials say President Barack Obama on Thursday will release a list of 121 federal programs to be cut or reduced in his "line-by-line" effort to trim the budget for next year. The cuts add up to only a tiny percentage of the $3.5 trillion budget approved by Congress last month, and some lawmakers have resisted past efforts to cut the same programs. House Minority Leader John Boehner said Congressional Republicans "respectfully suggest that we should do far more."Officials say about half of the cuts will come from defense programs, and the rest from domestic programs. The cuts include eliminating a Department of Education attache at the U.S. embassy in Paris, and ending a program that continues to pay states for cleaning up abandoned mines that have already been cleaned up. Most of the military cuts are already known, having been revealed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates last month. They include elimination of the F-22 fighter jet program and a new helicopter fleet for the president, as ending funding for an obsolete long-range radio navigation system. Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters. .