Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. November 27, 2011 UAE Court Jails Activists for Using Web to Call for Protests VOA News The court in Abu Dhabi jailed the activists after convicting them of insulting the Gulf state's leaders The court in Abu Dhabi jailed the activists after convicting them of insulting the Gulf state's leaders A court in the United Arab Emirates has sentenced five pro-democracy activists to prison terms of two to three years for using the Internet to call for anti-government demonstrations. The court in Abu Dhabi jailed the activists Sunday after convicting them of insulting the Gulf state's leaders. The most prominent defendant, blogger Ahmed Mansoor, received a three-year sentence, while the other four were jailed for two years. Authorities arrested the activists in April for using a website to criticize the government and call for protests. Rights groups have criticized the UAE's prosecution of the activists as unfair and called for them to be released. Their trial coincided with pro-democracy uprisings against other autocratic governments in the region this year. Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters. Follow our Middle East reports on [1]Twitter and discuss them on our [2]Facebook page. References 1. http://twitter.com/VOAMidEast 2. http://www.facebook.com/pages/VOAMiddleEastVoices/124360240958667?%20%20%20%20v=wall .