Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. 3 Suspects Taken Into Custody in Connection with Boston Bombing by VOA News Three additional suspects have been taken into custody in the investigation of last month's bombing attack at the Boston Marathon, the Boston Police Department said in its official Twitter feed on Wednesday. The police offered no further information on who the suspects were. Three additional suspects taken into custody in Marathon bombing case. Details to follow. -- Boston Police Dept. (@Boston_Police) [1]May 1, 2013 Meanwhile, the widow of bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev wants his body released to his relatives. As U.S. authorities continue to question the widow, Katherine Russell, her lawyer says she wants her husband's remains released to the Tsarnaev family. Tsarnaev's father Anzor said last week he wants to bury his son, who died after a shootout with police just days after twin explosions killed three people and injured more than 250 near the finish line of the race. Investigators have spent hours questioning Russell this week about any information she has on how her 26-year-old husband and his younger brother Dzhokhar allegedly built the bombs and whether they had help in carrying out the April 15 attack. U.S. authorities took DNA samples from the home of Russell's parents in the northeastern state of Rhode Island. The investigators are trying to determine who else may have handled the pressure cookers that contained the bombs after finding a woman's DNA on one of them. Some U.S. lawmakers, including Senator Lindsey Graham, have criticized American intelligence agencies for failing to connect pieces of information collected over the last year that the older Tsarnaev brother was becoming a radical Islamist. President Barack Obama said Tuesday that a full review of U.S. intelligence gathering on Tsarnaev is underway, but rejected criticism that the intelligence agencies had performed poorly. Some information for this report was provided by AP. __________________________________________________________________ [2]http://www.voanews.com/content/widow-of-boston-bombing-suspect-wants -body-released-to-relatives/1652440.html References 1. https://twitter.com/Boston_Police/status/329612972521558016 2. http://www.voanews.com/content/widow-of-boston-bombing-suspect-wants-body-released-to-relatives/1652440.html