Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. S. Korea's Park: 'No North Korean Provocation Can Succeed' by VOA News South Korean President Park Geun-hye says President Barack Obama's vision of a world without nuclear weapons must start on the Korean peninsula, where the South lives in fear of a nuclear attack from the North. Park addressed a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress as she continues her visit to Washington. She said her country will never accept a nuclear North Korea and vowed "no North Korean provocation can succeed." She also thanked Congress for American support, calling the countries' friendship "second to none" as they work to improve their economies and create a path toward reunifying the Korean peninsula. After meeting Tuesday with Obama at the White House, Park said Seoul and Washington must not tolerate North Korea's recent wave of threats. Obama said the United States is ready to engage diplomatically with the North if it decides to embrace a "peaceful path." But he said the days when North Korea could create a crisis and elicit concessions are "over," calling the United States and South Korea "as united as ever" and North Korea "more isolated than ever." '' Park is in the U.S. for a five-day visit, which she began Monday at the United Nations. The South Korean leader is heading a delegation of more than 50 South Korean business leaders and will stop Thursday in Los Angeles to meet with Korean entrepreneurs. The trip is meant to send a strong message of unity to the North, which gradually has reduced the intensity of its war rhetoric, following weeks of threats of nuclear and conventional attacks against the United States and South Korea. Earlier this week, U.S. officials said they believe North Korea has removed two mid-range missiles from imminent-launch status, in an apparent further easing of tensions. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/south_koreas_park_says_no_north_korea n_provocation_can_succeed/1657016.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/south_koreas_park_says_no_north_korean_provocation_can_succeed/1657016.html