Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. FBI says Florida Man Fatally Shot During Boston Bombings Investigation The FBI says a man being questioned in the Boston Marathon bombings probe was fatally shot when he attacked an FBI agent in Florida. An FBI statement said the shooting occurred early Wednesday in the city of Orlando as the FBI agent and other law enforcement officers were interviewing the man. A friend of the dead man identified him as Ibragim Todashev. He said Todashev had lived in the Boston area before moving to Florida several months ago and knew bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev because both were martial-arts fighters. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a shootout with police a few days after the bombings. He was on a database of potential terrorism suspects and the United States had been warned by Russia that he might be an Islamic militant. His younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is in federal custody on charges he helped in the twin blasts that killed three people and injured 264 others April 15 during the Boston Marathon. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/fbi-says-florida-man-fatally-shot-dur ing-boston-bombings-investigation/1666089.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/fbi-says-florida-man-fatally-shot-during-boston-bombings-investigation/1666089.html