Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Syrian Opposition Meets to Weigh Proposed Peace Talks The main Syrian opposition coalition is meeting in Istanbul for three days of talks that will include its potential involvement in proposed peace talks with the Syrian government. The United States and Russia have been trying to organize such a conference next month in Geneva, with a plan to bring the two sides together and negotiate terms for an interim government for Syria. Syrian National Coalition member Louay Safi said Thursday the group still has questions about the talks, but remains opposed to allowing President Bashar al-Assad to take part in a future Syrian government. "We have a lot of unknowns about the Geneva conference. I mean, we are for any conference that helps transition the situation into an elective government away from the dictatorship, but that will be our condition -- we are not going to accept any negotiations that do not indicate that Assad is going to be out." The coalition`s meetings in Turkey follow a statement of support from top diplomats in the Friends of Syria group, who gathered Wednesday in Amman, Jordan to discuss the peace plan. In a joint statement, 11 nations stressed the need for a political solution in Syria, with a transitional government that would not include Mr. Assad, members of his government or associates with "blood on their hands." U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged Mr. Assad to make "a commitment to find peace in his country." Russia has called for Iran to be included in the Geneva talks. But Kerry on Wednesday accused Iran of perpetuating what he called Mr. Assad`s "campaign of terror" by sending fighters to help Hezbollah militants fight alongside Syrian troops. The Friends of Syria statement denounced the involvement of foreign fighters in the Syrian conflict, expressing concern about the situation becoming a greater threat to regional stability. On Thursday, security officials said fighting overnight in neighboring Lebanon between factions supporting different sides of the Syrian conflict killed at least five people. The deaths happened in Tripoli, where frequent clashes have broken out since the Syrian crisis erupted more than two years ago. Officials said at least 16 people have been killed since the latest outbreak began Sunday. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/syrian-opposition-meets-to-weigh-prop osed-peace-talks/1666655.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/syrian-opposition-meets-to-weigh-proposed-peace-talks/1666655.html