Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Fake Psy Party Crashes in Cannes by Reuters A man pretending to be South Korean rapper Psy talked his way into glitzy parties at the Cannes film festival and posed with fans until he was spotted drinking champagne by the real Psy's manager. Psy, in Singapore on Thursday night to perform at the inaugural Social Star awards, said that Scooter Braun spotted the imposter, took a photo and sent it to him. Here the picture of [1]#fakePSYinCannes spotted by @[2]scooterbraun!! lol[3]#realPSYinSingapore [4]twitter.com/psy_oppa/statu... -- PSY (@psy_oppa) [5]May 22, 2013 __________________________________________________________________ [6]http://www.voanews.com/content/fake-psy-party-crashes-in-cannes/1668 437.html References 1. https://twitter.com/search/%23fakePSYinCannes 2. https://twitter.com/scooterbraun 3. https://twitter.com/search/%23realPSYinSingapore 4. http://t.co/TVNpOk2y9E 5. https://twitter.com/psy_oppa/status/337280012732469248 6. http://www.voanews.com/content/fake-psy-party-crashes-in-cannes/1668437.html