Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Lavrov Meets Kerry, Says Syria Peace Bid a 'Tall Order' by VOA News The top diplomats of the United States and Russia have ended a meeting in Paris with no apparent progress in their efforts to hold a peace conference aimed at ending the civil war in Syria. Speaking after Monday's meeting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said holding such a peace conference as that planned for Geneva next month will be a "tall order." In a sign of lingering disagreement with the United States, Lavrov also said Russia wants the participants to be expanded from the major powers who agreed on a Syrian peace plan in Geneva last year. Lavrov said the peace talks should include "all key outside players who have influence on the situation on the ground" in Syria - an apparent reference to Iran. Both Russia and Iran are among Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's last remaining international allies. The United States backs the Syrian opposition and has long criticized Iranian support for Assad, accusing Tehran of exacerbating the Syrian conflict rather than being part of a solution. Kerry said the United States and Russia remain committed to implementing the 2012 Geneva peace plan, which calls for Syria's warring parties to form a transitional government by mutual consent and allow the "people of Syria to decide the future of Syria." He also said the two world powers share concerns about the potential use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict. EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels struggled to overcome a dispute about whether to ease an arms embargo on Syrian rebels. Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger said he and his counterparts failed to reach an agreement despite holding marathon talks on Monday. He told reporters that the lack of consensus means the existing EU embargo on both Syria's government and rebels is likely to expire on Friday. But EU and German sources said efforts to find a consensus would continue, and they rejected the Austrian declaration of failure as premature. Austria is among several EU members that oppose a partial easing of the Syria embargo to enable rebels to be armed. Britain and France have been the strongest supporters of such a move. Speaking on the sidelines of the talks, British Foreign Minister William Hague said the Syrian rebels need weapons. "In our view, it is important to show that we are prepared to amend our arms embargo so that the Assad regime gets a clear signal that it has to negotiate seriously. Therefore, for us, amending the embargo is part of supporting the diplomatic work and trying to bring about a political solution," Hague said. In another development, Syria's main opposition group has rejected a proposal to significantly expand its membership with supporters of a Saudi-backed veteran dissident, Michel Kilo. The Syrian National Council's Qatar-allied Muslim Brotherhood faction successfully resisted the proposal, which would have greatly increased Saudi Arabia's influence over the group. Kilo's bloc had been seeking up to 22 new seats in the 60-member coalition, but it ended up with five. Heavy fighting raged in Syria around the strategic rebel-held border town of Qusair and the capital, Damascus, amid renewed reports of chemical weapons attacks by Assad's forces. In Geneva, U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay lamented the "horrific" level of rights violations in war-torn Syria, saying "a humanitarian, political and social disaster is already upon us, and what looms is truly a nightmare." She addressed diplomats as she opened one of the U.N. Human Rights Council's four annual sessions. Rights activists say the Syrian conflict has killed more than 80,000 people since it began as peaceful protests against Assad in March 2011. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/russia-us-kerry-lavrov-syria-peace-co nference/1669429.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/russia-us-kerry-lavrov-syria-peace-conference/1669429.html