Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. IS Losing Its Grip in Afghanistan, US General Says by Jeff Seldin Coalition forces are seeing success against Islamic State (IS) fighters in Afghanistan, where they are rapidly recapturing land from the insurgent army, a United States military spokesman said Thursday. During a briefing at the Pentagon, Brigadier General Charles Cleveland, a spokesman for the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission, told reporters IS is losing its grip in Afghanistan. Three months ago, he said, IS held between six and eight districts, now it holds just two to three. "We think we have significantly decreased the footprint that they have in Afghanistan," he said. The U.S. military estimates there are between 1,000 and 3,000 IS fighters left in Afghanistan, though Cleveland said the actual number is "probably on the lower end of that." Now, as NATO forces are splintering the IS strongholds, IS fighters have been seen fleeing to the Kunar and Nuristan provinces along Afghanistan's western border with Pakistan, where they are just "trying to survive," Cleveland said. Cleveland said IS forces left in Afghanistan are mostly "disaffected" Pakistani and Afghan Taliban, or remnants of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. While anecdotal, he said military commanders in Afghanistan are "beginning to see members of [IS] defect" to the Afghan government or to the Taliban. NATO has hit IS fighters with between 70 and 80 counterterror strikes since the beginning of the year. And while they have largely beat back IS fighters, Cleveland cautioned that the militants still "present the potential to be an enormous threat." "They've got the ability to really catch fire," he said. Despite setbacks, the Afghan military is also successfully putting pressure on IS and working to bolster its ranks. The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces lost about 5,500 troops last year, but held together; and Cleveland said he is expecting them to go on the offensive against both the Taliban and IS this year. "The [Afghan] military did not collapse," Cleveland said. "While they certainly took some hits, they were able to keep themselves together. So we don't have a Mosul here in Afghanistan. We don't have a Ramadi or a Fallujah or anything like that." __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/islamic-state-losing-grip-afghanistan -us-general-says/3286077.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/islamic-state-losing-grip-afghanistan-us-general-says/3286077.html