Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Indian Air Base Battle Enters 3rd Day by VOA News The battle for control of an Indian air base near the Pakistan border entered its third day Monday. Military officials say at least two gunmen remain holed up in a building that houses living quarters on the base. Authorities say at least seven troops and four gunmen have been killed in the attack on the Pathankot air base that erupted before dawn Saturday. One military official said the attackers "had come well prepared and heavily armed." Officials said Indian troops confronted two gunmen in a wooded area Sunday as cleanup operations were under way to secure the base in Punjab state. Soon after, the sound of explosions and gunfire rang out. The airbase houses dozens of fighter aircraft. Indian Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi told reporters that quick action by security forces ensured there was "no damage to the assets of the air force and that... the apparent main aim of the terrorists stands defeated." Authorities blamed Pakistan-based Islamic militants for the attack, with some reports linking it to the militant group Jaish-e-Mohammad. Peace overtures between India and Pakistan picked up momentum last week after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an unannounced visit to Pakistan on December 25. It was the first trip to the country by an Indian prime minister in more than a decade. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/indian-air-base-battle-enters-third-d ay/3130009.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/indian-air-base-battle-enters-third-day/3130009.html