Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Remote Canadian Community Stunned by 4 Shooting Deaths by VOA News A remote aboriginal community in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan is mourning the shooting deaths four people at two locations, including a high school. Canadian police said that several others were wounded in the attacks Friday and that a male suspect was in custody. Police sought to reassure the 3,000 residents of the town of La Loche on Friday that the immediate threat was over and that there was no further risk to public safety. Hours later, residents placed candles in the snow outside the school. A police spokeswoman did not provide details of the shootings but said the gunman was arrested outside the school. One of the victims was identified as a 23-year-old teacher. The victim's father later told reporters that police told him the gunman shot two relatives at a nearby home before targeting his daughter at the school. Bobby Cameron, chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, said the shootings were the worst tragedy ever to hit the community. Mass shootings are relatively rare in Canada, which enforces strict gun laws. But in 2014, a teacher voiced concern about a student at the La Loche school. She said a student who had tried to stab her was placed back in her classroom after serving a 10-month jail term. In a separate incident, she said, another student tried to attack her at her home. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/remote-canadian-community-stunned-fou r-shooting-deaths/3159882.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/remote-canadian-community-stunned-four-shooting-deaths/3159882.html