Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Burundi Police Arrest French, British Journalists by Jill Craig Authorities in Burundi's capital have arrested two foreign journalists - British photographer Phil Moore and the Africa chief for the French daily Le Monde, Jean-Philippe Remy. Burundi's security minister said the two men were arrested Thursday in Bujumbura in the company of "armed criminals". Presidential spokesman Willy Nyamitwe said they were among 17 people arrested by police. Le Monde says Moore and Remy were arrested while meeting with government opponents. It says both men were working for the paper and were doing their job by meeting with all parties involved in Burundi's political crisis. Julia Steers, a Nairobi-based freelance reporter working in Burundi, visited the two journalists Friday morning at Burundi's intelligence service headquarters where they were being held. She said the French ambassador and a representative from the British consulate also visited the pair. "Well, we found out ... both Phil and Jean-Philippe were arrested yesterday in the Nyakabiga neighborhood, in Bujumbura, in the capital, and they were held and questioned overnight," said Steers. "We were able to speak with them briefly, and to bring them some food and some water, and they said that they were treated fairly, that they were questioned extensively but no evidence of mistreatment or torture." Charges unclear However, Steers noted that the charges remain somewhat unclear. "This morning, the police spokesman here said that Phil was arrested in the company of armed men, which is something that Phil denied when we were able to speak with him," she said. "He said that he was just walking alone in this neighborhood around 4:30 pm yesterday afternoon and was approached by a police office and arrested shortly thereafter. Then his colleague Jean-Philippe was arrested after that, so we're still not clear exactly what the charges are." Ilya Gridneff, chairman of the Foreign Correspondents' Association of East Africa, urged the Burundian authorities to release the journalists. "Both of them are consummate professionals, excellent journalists that have won awards, and have worked in tougher parts of the world, and essentially we've been pursuing all channels for their timely release," said Gridneff. Human rights concerns That sentiment was echoed by Carina Tertsakian, senior researcher on Rwanda and Burundi for [1]Human Rights Watch. "We're very worried about their situation, we believe the Burundian authorities should immediately release the two journalists unless there's a credible legal basis for detaining them, and the authorities should guarantee their safety," Tertsakian said. "They should also ensure that they're not ill-treated in detention and that they can receive visits immediately from diplomatic representatives and lawyers." Steers said they are hoping the journalists will be released Friday afternoon. __________________________________________________________________ [2]http://www.voanews.com/content/burundi-police-arrest-french-journali sts/3168126.html References 1. http://www.hrw.org/ 2. http://www.voanews.com/content/burundi-police-arrest-french-journalists/3168126.html