Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. 2 Pro-Islamic State Terrorists Face Long US Prison Terms by Ken Schwartz A U.S. federal judge sentenced a Rochester, New York man to more than 22 years in prison Thursday for trying to recruit terrorist fighters and raise funds for Islamic State. Prosecutors say Mufid Elfgeeh is one of the first Islamic State recruiters ever captured and is confident his long prison term will keep the U.S. safer. According to the government's case, Elfgeeh actively recruited and provided financial backing, documents, and other help to two men to go to Syria in 2014 and join up with Islamic State. Elfgeeh did not know that the two were FBI informants. He also used social media to spread information about Islamic State and other extremists and pledged his support for terrorism. Also Thursday, a federal court convicted an Arizona man on a number of terrorist-related charges, including plans with two roommates to attack military bases, shopping centers, and the 2015 Super Bowl in Glendale, Arizona. Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem faces at least 45 years in prison when he is sentenced later this year. The two roommates were shot dead last year when they opened fire on police and security guards outside a Texas hall where cartoonists were holding a contest to draw the prophet Muhammad. Many Muslims regard any depiction of Muhammad as blasphemous. Kareem did not take part in the attack, but lied to police when he denied any knowledge of it. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/two-pro-islamic-state-terrorists-face -long-us-prison-terms/3242639.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/two-pro-islamic-state-terrorists-face-long-us-prison-terms/3242639.html