Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Iraq Forces, Backed by Peshmerga, Move on Mosul Villages by VOA News Iraqi forces, backed by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, have launched an offensive against Islamic State-held villages southeast of Mosul. Forces from two Iraqi brigades, from Iraq's U.S.-trained 15th Division, were leading the fight, Peshmerga General Hussein Nooraldin told VOA. Also involved were members of Sunni tribes, which many Peshmerga commanders have said are crucial in being able to hold the traditionally Sunni areas. "They are trying to clear this area because it is important," Nooraldin said, describing that it included one of the roads between Mosul and the city of Kirkuk to the east, as well as the Qayyarah bridge across the Tigris river. '' The offensive was launched from Makhmour, where a U.S. Marine was recently killed in an IS rocket attack. Iraqi forces have been gathering in the area in recent weeks. Makhmour is one of the staging points for the anticipated battle for Mosul. The general, who is based northeast of Mosul, said the Peshmerga were involved in "a supporting role." Local reports said coalition airstrikes had been hitting the villages. __________________________________________________________________ [1]http://www.voanews.com/content/iraq-forces-backed-by-kurdish-peshmer ga-move-on-mosul-villages/3252380.html References 1. http://www.voanews.com/content/iraq-forces-backed-by-kurdish-peshmerga-move-on-mosul-villages/3252380.html