Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Rolling Thunder Ready to Roll Into Washington by VOA News The [1]Rolling Thunder caravan of motorcycles rolls into the U.S. capital Sunday. The annual event, first organized in 1988, is billed as a tribute to prisoners of war and Americans missing in action. Ray Manzo, a former U.S. Marine Corps corporal, is one of the men credited for organizing the event. A letter from Manzo, published in Outlaw Biker magazine in 1987, called for riders to descend on Washington the Sunday before Memorial Day. Nearly 3,000 riders came for that first ride. The organization said the event has now grown to more than 1 million riders and spectators combined. A half-million motorcycles are expected to rumble Sunday afternoon from the Pentagon to the Vietnam War Memorial for a rally in an event the group calls a[2] Ride for Freedom. ''The group's mission has grown alongside the ride. The organization lobbied for the [3]Missing Service Personnel Act of 1993, which prohibits the U.S. Defense Department from declaring a service member killed in action without substantial evidence. It has also established a nonprofit organization that provides cash aid to veterans' families. Over the years, Rolling Thunder has become a more politicized group frustrated with Washington lawmakers and the Obama administration. "I don't think anyone in Washington, D.C., really cares about investigating the live POWs that the government knows were left behind," writes Sgt. Artie Muller, Rolling Thunder's national executive director, and Joseph Bean, the group's national president, in a letter posted on the [4]Rolling Thunder website. The letter, dated December 2015, also says, "This administration keeps getting us deeper and deeper in the war against Islam. ... Why are we not demanding reparation payments from the Islam countries for the expense of what these wars cost the America taxpayers. ... "We better pray for a new administration in the 2016 election that will follow the Constitution of the United States and worry about America, our people and our troops first," the letter continues. ''Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is set to speak at Sunday's rally. Motorcycle enthusiasts have frequently attended Trump campaign rallies to show their support for the candidate they believe is different from career politicians they accuse of degrading the military and ignoring veterans. This despite Trump's remarks last year that disparaged one of America's most famous prisoners of war: Senator John McCain. At a political event last July when asked about McCain, who was described by the questioner as a "war hero," Trump responded, "He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK?" McCain, a U.S. Navy pilot, was a prisoner of war for nearly six years in Vietnam after being shot down flying a mission. __________________________________________________________________ [5]http://www.voanews.com/content/rolling-thunder-washington-vietnam-me morial/3350590.html References 1. http://www.rollingthunder1.com/ 2. http://media.wix.com/ugd/41f266_29c19093338b49fe9ea606b3186f1299.pdf 3. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-103hr291ih/content-detail.html 4. http://rollingthunder1.com/ 5. http://www.voanews.com/content/rolling-thunder-washington-vietnam-memorial/3350590.html