Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Venezuela Mistreating Jailed American, Attorney Says by Associated Press CARACAS, VENEZUELA -- Venezuelan prison guards forced a jailed Utah man to strip naked in a hallway and perform exercises, his lawyer said Tuesday. Attorney Jeanette Prieto said that forcing Joshua Holt to strip and perform exercises in a hallway violated international agreements on the treatment of prisoners. She added that the prison guards had violated Holt's Mormon faith by forcing him to remove his undergarments, which are similar to holy vestments worn in other religious faiths, such as a Catholic nun's habit or a Muslim skull cap. Holt was arrested June 30 on weapons charges. He'd traveled to Venezuela to marry a woman he met online while looking for Spanish-speaking Mormons to help him improve his Spanish. Prosecutors say Holt was using his wife's apartment to stockpile weapons. Venezuela officials say his case is linked to attempts by the U.S. to overthrow the socialist government. Holt's attorneys did not provide evidence of the mistreatment. Prison officials did not respond to requests for comment. Holt was to have a hearing Tuesday, but the audience was canceled, as often happens in Venezuela's sclerotic judicial system. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry raised concerns about Holt's case last month during a meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah said in a statement Tuesday that he was disappointed by reports of Holt's mistreatment. He said he will continue to work with Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden to demand answers. He commended Holt for "his tremendous courage throughout this terrible situation." FILE - Laurie Holt holds a photograph of her son at her home, in Riverton, Utah, on July 13, 2016. At a press conference Tuesday, attorney Jeanette Prieto said Holt was being mistreated in violation of international treaties. Holt's mother was distraught when reached by phone Tuesday in Utah about the canceled hearing and the news her son had been treated poorly. "It infuriates me. They're not treating him like he should be treated," said Laurie Holt. "Obviously, they're not giving him due process. At this point, I'm not sure where to go or what to do but pick back up and start fighting again."