Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. UN Alarmed By Rising Number of Migrant Deaths by VOA News The U.N. refugee agency is expressing alarm at the number of migrants who died crossing the Mediterranean Sea in 2016. With more than two months left in 2016, at least 3,470 people died trying to cross the rough seas, just less than the 3,771 reported dead in 2015. The increased loss of life comes despite a three-fold drop in the number of attempted crossings, down from more than one million in 2015 to around 327,000 this year. UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler says the dramatic increase in the number of deaths can be attributed to more dangerous routes being taken by refugees and lower-quality vessels being used by people smugglers. "The tactics of smugglers are switching too, with several occasions when there have been mass embarkations of thousands of people at a time," Spindler said. "This may be to do with the shifting smuggler business model or geared towards lowering detection risks, but it also makes the work of rescuers harder." In order to address the problem, Spindler said countries should expand their asylum programs and provide better pathways for refugees to safely reach their shores, including humanitarian admissions and private sponsorship.