Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Man Charged in Idaho Kids Birthday Party Stabbing by VOA News A man who was evicted from a Boise, Idaho, apartment complex housing refugees returned to a little girl's birthday party at the building late Saturday and stabbed nine people, including children. No one was killed, but four of the victims were in the hospital Sunday with life-threatening injuries. Timmy Kinner is being held without bail, facing nine charges of aggravated assault. Boise police gave no details on the nationalities of the victims. They have not yet given a motive for the attack, but did say Kinner is from Los Angeles and is not one of the refugees. "Our city has long stood as a welcoming city -- a place of safety and kindness for those fleeing violence and oppression in their homelands," Boise Mayor Dave Bieter said. "The senseless act of one disturbed person does not change that." Police say Kinner was asked to leave the apartment house Friday because of his disturbing behavior. But he came back the next day while a 3-year-old was celebrating her birthday outside the building and allegedly started slashing guests with a knife. The birthday girl is one of the wounded. Some of the guests ran inside the apartment house to escape. Police found several children huddled in a closet and had to convince them it was safe to come out.