Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Iranian Diplomat Among Six Arrested in Europe Over Alleged Bomb Plot by VOA News Officials in Belgium, France and Germany have arrested six people over an alleged plot to bomb a large rally of exiled Iranian opposition supporters in France this past weekend. An Iranian diplomat in the Austrian capital, Vienna, was one of those arrested. Officials say the man, who has not been not identified, was arrested in Germany for allegedly being in contact with two of the other suspects, a couple from Belgium. Belgium's federal prosecutor's office said Monday that a married couple with Iranian roots was charged with "preparing a terrorist crime" after they were found with a half kilogram of TATP, a home-made explosive, and a detonator. Prosecutors accuse the couple of planning to bomb the weekend rally of Iranian opposition supporters just north of Paris attended by an estimated 25,000 people. In attendance at the rally were also leading U.S. figures, including U.S. President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. In France, another three people were taken into custody over the alleged plot. Officials say they are working to determine the French suspects' relationship with the Belgium suspects. The developments come as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived in Switzerland as part of a visit to Europe in which Iran is seeking greater cooperation with the continent after the U.S. withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear agreement. Rouhani is also expected to visit Austria this week. Iran's foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, called the news of the arrests a "sinister false-flag ploy." In a tweet Monday, he wrote "How convenient: Just as we embark on a presidential visit to Europe, an alleged Iranian operation and its 'plotters' arrested. Iran unequivocally condemns all violence & terror anywhere, and is ready to work with all concerned to uncover what is a sinister false flag ploy."