Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. An Unsettled Britain Plays Host to Trump by Steve Herman LONDON -- U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday, the second day of his London trip, visits the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, then Chequers -- the 16th century manor house of the current prime minister -- followed by Windsor Castle. He is taking helicopters to his various destinations. The president "is not avoiding anything" relying on helicopters, U.S. Ambassador Woody Johnson said, rather he is "trying to get as impactful a trip as he can get within a 24-hour period." There are street protests of Trump's first visit to Britain since taking office nearly 18 months ago. One protest group has been given permission for a balloon in the president's image, shaded in orange and dressed in a diaper, known as the "Trump Baby Blimp," to hover over Parliament Square Garden. London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the demonstrations are not anti-American but rather reflect opposition to "the politics of fear and despair." At Chequers, Trump and May will discuss foreign policy, according to White House officials. Queen Elizabeth II is scheduled to host the president and first lady for tea at Windsor. Trump has long spoken of his desire to meet the monarch, but for this queen, such encounters with U.S. presidents are old hat, having met 10 American leaders since her coronation in 1952. Trump, however, is the most unconventional of modern U.S. presidents and there is some anxiety in Britain about whether he will adhere to protocol. 'Gala dinner Trump and first lady Melania Trump attended a gala dinner in their honor Thursday hosted by the prime minister at the 17th century Blenheim Palace, 100 kilometers northwest of London. During the gala, a wide-ranging interview Trump gave to Britain's The Sun newspaper was posted on its website. In it Trump blasted May for wrecking Brexit. "I actually told Theresa May how to do (Brexit)," the U.S. leader said in the interview, "but she didn't agree, she didn't listen to me." Trump also warned May in the interview that any future trade deal with Britain will not be likely if Britain has a soft exit from the European Union. "If they do a deal like that," Trump said, "we would be dealing with the European Union instead of dealing with the UK," adding that approach would "probably kill" any future trade deals with the U.S. He complained that the soft Brexit plan was a contentious move against the U.S. because the EU "is very bad to the United States on trade." Trump had words of praise, however, for former British Foreign Minister Johnson who resigned earlier this week over the soft Brexit strategy, saying Johnson would "make a great prime minister." White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in response to questions about the president's Sun interview said in a statement: "The President likes and respects Prime Minister May very much. As he said in his interview with The Sun she 'is a very good person' and he 'never said anything bad about her.' ... He is thankful for the wonderful welcome from the Prime Minister here in the U.K." President Trump also told The Sun London Mayor Khan has "done a very bad job on terrorism"by allowing so many migrants to come to the city. Khan told BBC Radio Friday, "The idea that you can blame (a rise in crime) on immigration from Africa is I think preposterous and we should call him out when he does so." Steve Herman is VOA's White House Bureau Chief.