Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. US Lawmakers Still Seething Over Trump-Putin Summit by Michael Bowman CAPITOL HILL -- U.S. President Donald Trump's defense of the Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin did nothing to quell furor on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers on Wednesday demanded answers from the administration and pressed punitive legislation aimed at Moscow. "Americans and the members of this committee deserve to know what the president and foreign autocrats are agreeing to behind closed doors," said the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez of New Jersey. Menendez expressed consternation over Russian statements signaling a willingness to launch security cooperation agreements Trump and Putin allegedly agreed to during their encounter. "Pro-Kremlin media at this moment are putting out more information '¦ than anything that I know as the senior-most Democrat on this committee, than any member of the committee knows, and that the American people know," the senator said. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to testify before the committee next week. The panel's chairman, Tennessee Republican Bob Corker, said Democrats are not alone in demanding answers. "I take a back seat to no one on challenging what happened at NATO, what happened in Helsinki," Corker said in response to Menendez. "I look forward to working with you in putting whatever pressure we need to put on the administration to make sure we find out [details of Trump's trip]." One day after insisting he misspoke during Monday's press conference with Putin in which he did not defend U.S. intelligence conclusions that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, Trump blasted critics of his performance in Helsinki and proclaimed the summit a success. Of his closed-door meeting with the Russian leader, Trump wrote on Twitter that he and Putin "discussed many important subjects" and added: "Big results will come!" Democrats' suspicions of Trump have risen to new heights, prompting an unprecedented demand that the U.S. interpreter who attended the Trump-Putin meeting testify as to what was said. The Senate's Democratic minority leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, noted that Trump excluded all members of his national security team from the private chat with Putin. "President Trump wanted no one else in the room. So, to have the translator come testify and tell what happened there is an imperative," Schumer said. "It is rare for translators to come before Congress, but in this case, it's warranted." Republican leaders did not echo the call, but some Republican lawmakers reaffirmed their backing for bipartisan legislation to further sanction Russia if it meddles in U.S. midterm elections in November, and to protect the special counsel in the Justice Department's Russia probe, Robert Mueller, a frequent target of Trump's ire. "The only thing that Vladimir Putin understands is deterrence," Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio said, advocating the DETER Act that he and Maryland Democrat Chris Van Hollen introduced in the chamber. "Sanctions will go into effect immediately if the Director of National Intelligence '¦ determines that Russia is once again interfering in our elections. So that before he [Putin] even does it [orders meddling], he has a very clear understanding of what the price is going to be." Separately, Arizona Republican Jeff Flake told reporters he is working with Democrats to craft a Senate resolution affirming support for America's intelligence community and demanding the administration fully brief lawmakers on Trump's discussions with Putin in Helsinki. Flake has said he was "floored" by the Trump-Putin news conference, calling it "shameful." Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, on Tuesday did not rule out Russia-related votes, saying, "There's a possibility that we may well take up legislation related to this."