Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Russia Tests New Nuclear Weapons After Summit With Trump by Associated Press MOSCOW -- Russia's military is testing an array of new nuclear and other weapons, from a high-powered laser weapon system to a nuclear-powered cruise missile with "unlimited'' range. The Defense Ministry made a string of announcements about progress on the weapons, unveiled in a speech by President Vladimir Putin in March. The ministry said it has tested the Burevestnik cruise missile on the ground and is now readying flight tests. Military officials said they are practicing use of the Peresvet high-powered laser weapon system, and launching trials of the Poseidon underwater nuclear drone. Putin has sought to flex Russia's muscle amid tensions with the West. But Thursday's announcements came as Putin stressed the need for talks with Washington on nuclear arms control treaties, after his summit this week with President Donald Trump.