Originally posted by the Voice of America. Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America, a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in the public domain. Excitement High as Zimbabwe Holds First Post-Mugabe Election by Anita Powell HARARE, ZIMBABWE -- Zimbabweans voted Monday in a pivotal election that could, many hope, turn around the nation's shattered economy and tarnished reputation after 38 years of iron-fisted rule under former leader Robert Mugabe. The two main presidential rivals voted Monday morning, and each said they were confident of victory. This poll is effectively a two-way race between President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who took over after Mugabe's resignation in November, and opposition leader Nelson Chamisa. In Harare, the capital, younger voters turned out in force to cast their votes. Many were so eager that they appeared long before polls opened at 7 a.m. "I came here last night, I slept outside of the gate, because I was afraid of the queue since I want to vote early," said 23-year-old Rolta Taika. When asked who she supports, she smiled and said, "It's my secret." But she made her desires known: "We want to have some jobs so we can care for ourselves and our parents and live a better life."