Originally posted by Wikinews. Wikinews content appears under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license except where specified. As these articles are static snapshots of news items that may be later updated, they may not represent the latest or final revision of that article, and posted information may be only preliminary. Japanese emperor makes live television appearance after earthquake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 16, 2011 Original URL: http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Japanese_emperor_makes_live_television_appearance_after_earthquake , the emperor of Japan, has made a live appearance on national television saying he was "deeply worried" after the earthquake and tsunami that hit last Friday. The emperor made his announcement shortly after technicians working to stabilise a nuclear plant temporarily abandoned it as radiation started to surge. The emperor's appearance caused television stations to interrupt scheduled programming. During his appearance he said "I hope from the bottom of my heart that the people will, hand in hand, treat each other with compassion and overcome these difficult times." The 77 year-old is deeply respected in Japan. A statement by the Imperial household said Emperor Akihito and want to visit the area affected by the tsunami, but the important thing now is rescuing the victims. In 1995 the emperor and empress visited after an struck and killed 6,400 people. Around 10,000 people are feared to be dead after the earthquake and tsunami hit the north-east coast of the country. More than 100 countries have offered rescue services in an attempt to save as many people as possible. ==Related news== * Fukushima reactor suffers multiple fires, radiation leak confirmed * Japan earthquake death toll estimated at over 10,000 * Japan facing 'most severe crisis since World War II', says prime minister ==Sources== * http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12755739 * http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/16/japan-emperor-nuclear-fears .