Originally posted by Wikinews. Wikinews content appears under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license except where specified. As these articles are static snapshots of news items that may be later updated, they may not represent the latest or final revision of that article, and posted information may be only preliminary. Magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes northeastern Myanmar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 24, 2011 Original URL: http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Magnitude_6.8_earthquake_strikes_northeastern_Myanmar A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck the northeast of Myanmar, near the borders of China and Thailand, according to the . The earthquake, which was originally registered at mangnitude 7.0 occured at the rather shallow depth of 10 km (6.2 miles) in a sparsely populated, remote area in the northeast, striking about 89 km (55 miles) north of at 13:55 UTC. Tremors from the quake could be felt in and . A second earthquake occurred a half-hour later, which registered at a preliminary magnitude of 4.8. One person has been killed in Chiang Rai by a roof collaspe. A third quake occurred an hour and a half later and registered a preliminary magnitude of 5.4. No tsunami was formed or is expected to form as a result of the quake. A bulletin from the stated, "The earthquake is located too far inland and too deep inside the earth to generate a tsunami in the Indian Ocean." == Sources == * http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/24/myanmar.quake/index.html * http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12852237 * http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usc0002aes.php * http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usc0002afa.php * http://ptwc.weather.gov/ptwc/text.php?id=indian.2011.03.24.140410 * http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usc0002ahm.php .