Originally posted by Wikinews. Wikinews content appears under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license except where specified. As these articles are static snapshots of news items that may be later updated, they may not represent the latest or final revision of that article, and posted information may be only preliminary. BBC cancel television comedy series 'My Family' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 25, 2011 Original URL: http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/BBC_cancel_television_comedy_series_%27My_Family%27 , Controller''}} The BBC have made the decision to cancel , a televised series which airs on in the United Kingdom. , who is the Controller of the television channel, stated: "Now that all the Harper children have fled the nest we feel it's time to make room for new comedies". The programme, which was created by , launched in September 2000. It was the first series of this genre to make use of production methods originating from the United States, including a group of employed writers and the studio being used solely for the purposes of the sitcom during the process of production. Over one hundred episodes of the show have been created since that time. Series ten of ''My Family'', which was broadcast in the summer of 2010, received approximately 4.6 million viewers on average. The eleventh and final series of the show is expected to be broadcast on BBC One later in 2011. Cohen has stated that and , who both feature in the TV show, will continue to be "part of our BBC One comedy family." Meanwhile, Cheryl Taylor, commissioning controller for comedy at the BBC, explained: "Now that almost a generation of British children have grown up with the Harper brood, played over the years by Kris Marshall, Daniela Denby-Ashe and Gabriel Thompson, we're looking to the future with new families and new comedies that we hope will prove equally popular." Speaking to '''', actor Robert Lindsay explained how he was "amazed by the public's love for the series." "When Kris Marshall left in 2005 I was convinced that was it. But somehow Zoe and I have kept the essence of it together," he said. In response to the announcement of the cancellation of ''My Family'', English actress made comments about the story in an audio clip available on ''''. "After 10-11 years, it's not a slight to be taken off-air. It's an amazing achievement and I think it's done a lot for studio audience sitcoms," she said. "It became a bit 'uncool', for one to address a word, but I always stood by it. [...] Having that many viewers says it all, really. [...] I think it's amazing what they achieved." Hart thought that the show will be remembered "[p]robably with Robert and Zoƫ. You know, they put a lot of work in and they did fantastic performances, you know, that really endeared the nation to them," describing Lindsay and Wanamaker as "great comedy actors." == Sources == * http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12859085 * http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5j2S3WdyVasZVUCUYEbh6YkyFCZ-g?docId=N0216931301049422690A .